July 09, 2020

How To Use Castor Oil For Postpartum Healing

A new mom is nothing short of a super-women, she cares for her newborn and her family and also ensures her work commitments are up to the mark. But does Motherhood self-care feature as a priority? Hahahah nope, that sure is a distant dream. For me too, it was and is the same!

After both my babies, I had absolutely no time to care for myself. I let myself go and was very unhappy with the way my body was healing, or more so not healing, especially after my second baby. And that’s when my mother-in-law pushed me to try something she did years ago - a Castor Oil Pack. 

I had never heard about a castor oil pack, and so a discussion followed. 

So, in her words, castor oil is one of the simplest and least expensive treatments that has been around since forever and has been used by goddesses and queens for holistic healing, especially postpartum. One can make a castor oil compress at home using rectangle pieces of cotton or muslin cloth similar to the image below. 

The best way to use a castor oil pack is: 
» Drizzle 2-3 spoons of castor oil on the inside of the compress
» Wrap the compress under the right rib-cage over the liver
» Leave it in place for a at least an hour or for best results overnight 

After using it for the last month or so, I can easily say that castor oil packs help: 
» Rebalances stress hormone cortisol and promotes feel-good hormones
» Resets the bodies’ cleansing mechanisms and high antioxidants
» Helps with progesterone and estrogen and creates happiness
» Reduces inflammation, microbiome and breaks down biofilm
» Soothes dry skin while acting as a natural anti-ageing formula

The most important thing about this pack is the quality of the castor oil. I have been using Nature Sure™ Castor Oil that is 100% natural and organic. The Nature Sure™ Castor Oil is especially manufactured to help lactating mothers promote blood circulation and restore the body’s natural capacity for breast milk secretion. It is important to know that a castor oil pack is not recommended during pregnancy but is safe during breastfeeding. 

Have you heard about castor oil packs or used any? Do share your experience in the comments below. 

Until next time,
~ Heena


  1. Castor oil is one of the simplest and least expensive postpartum treatments that has been around forever and has been used by goddesses and queens for holistic healing. This article touches on the easiest way to include castor oil in your wellness routine.

  2. I had done this when you were born and it did help me a lot, it is a tried and tested healing method.

  3. Thanks for sharing this, I'm due in August and sure will try this after the baby arrives.

  4. I'm going to share this article with all my friends who are new moms, they sure will benefit from this.

  5. I never knew castor oil can do such wonders for a new mom. I wish I did when i gave birth and after. But now its too late to try it.

  6. RajuprasadJuly 12, 2020

    Nice information. Castor oil has so many benefits. It's not only good for children but also adults.

  7. Thanks for sharing so many useful benefits of castor oil. Usually I use for my hair.

  8. Manisha - This is very helpful information. We just need to add castor oil right nothing else? Would surely want to give this a try.

  9. I knew Castor Oil had some benefits but I was not aware of it in such detail. Thanks for this post as I learned something new today.

  10. I did know castor oil has a lot of benefits for hair and skin. Glad to know about this too.

  11. I think you have shared some really good Postpartum Healing ways with all of us. Didn't know castor oil Benefits this way too.

  12. Thanks for sharing this article. I was not aware that castor oil has so many benefits.

  13. Sanjay ThampyJuly 14, 2020

    Castor oil for postpartum healing is something that can be termed as grandma's time-tested treatment.
    Glad to know that it's gaining more acceptance.

  14. Oh wow! I didn't know about castor oil benefits, thanks for sharing :) informative post

  15. That's an insightful post. I used castor oil in my postpartum stages. And it really helped to reduce wrinkles in those areas. And I also use it for my hair

  16. I used castor oil packs when I delivered DS... and it was very therapeutic.
