May 13, 2020

Depilatory Cream To Remove Unwanted Hair |Yay or Nay

One of the biggest beauty trends since forever is hair removal and though getting a wax is not a fun experience, getting a bikini wax is a nightmare. Gone are the days that women would be armed with razors to clear the pube region. However, one needs to be brave enough to opt for a Brazilian wax since the trend has gained much importance as an essential part of feminine hygiene and beauty culture.

Today, women can choose from numerous grooming options including shaving, waxing, tweezing and trimming. Although these methods are available at every local salon and spa, gynaecologists warn against these methods as ripping hair from the skin’s follicles can cause infections, in-growth and a host of other health and skin issues.

So what would be a safe option if not the regular procedures? Well, honestly I recommend depilatory cream that breaks down the protein bonds of the hair so it washes away from the skin. The entire process takes about 8-10 minutes to work, depending on the thickness of hair and the formula. Also, I would suggest doing a small patch test on the skin before trying on a larger area.

Of the numerous brands available in the market, I recommend the everteen®, the complete feminine intimate hygiene expert. The everteen® Crème Hair Remover Bikini Line is good for all skin types and especially for sensitive skin areas like bikini line and underarms. The creme is formulated with 100% natural chamomile extracts, ewax, cetanol, liquid paraffin and glycerine. The creme promises of a ‘No Harsh Smell’ formula while ensuring a soft and gentle finish with no itching and irritation.

So if you are new to this, do remember that the correct method of use is as important the correct product to use. The brand recommends a certain way to use the everteen® Crème for optimum results:

» Take a sufficient amount of creme on the spatula and spread a thick layer evenly
» Leave the crème on for 8-10 minutes
» Dip one coin towel into the water for a few seconds and unfold it
» Gently wipe the creme with the damp towel and then clean the area with water
» Repeat the steps if necessary

What I Love about everteen® Crème Hair Remover Bikini Line -
Smooth and Silky Finish: The difference between the traditional methods of hair removal and everteen® Crème is removal from the hair root which ensures a smooth and silky finish.

No Pain or Irritation: With no pulling or tugging, everteen® Crème does the job with absolutely no pain and no irritation.

Thinner Re-Growth: Hair takes a long time to regrow after using everteen® Crème, reducing the number of times hair removal is to be done and the growth also becomes thinner and higher.

Apart from this I also believe that the everteen® Crème is super easy to use, especially if one follows the direction to use properly and it definitely is more affordable than all the other options available.

There are times when you might not be sure if the product is a good fit for all lifestyles, but trust me, everteen® Crème definitely scores highly for the sensitive bikini line and offers the perfection that you are looking for.

Until next time,
~ Nithya


  1. Depilatory Creams are saviours to remove unwanted hair especially in the delicate areas of the body. Read this article to know which cream works best for me.

  2. I never knew about these creams, I sure will spread the information around.

  3. I use this depilatory creams for my delicate areas and swear by them whole-heartedly. I've never had a single concern about any of the brands I've used. However my favourite remains everteen.

  4. I sure would love to use the everteen® crème hair remover bikini line to get rid of unwanted hair and this seems like the most appropriate and convenient method.

  5. I have been using this since almost a year and it has worked wonders for me. I don't need to use it often now as the growth is really low.
