What Does Babli Need?

on November 18, 2014 / by

#ToiletForBabli Initiative by Domex

India is a country of immense. We have a high rate of population growth and an even higher rate of inflation. There is great diversity, which is within the so-called unity. Yes, I'd say so-called. And if you ask me why I have an answer just as readily available.

The monetary divide does not allow for every human to have the basic needs fulfilled. Talk about the traditional list of the basic needs that include air, food and water, clothing and shelter. And you will clearly realise that not every human in this country has the privilege of these being fulfilled. So where is the question of the modern list of basic facilities which include the traditional needs along with healthcare, education and sanitation?

A recent study has brought out the issue of sanitation I India to the forefront and we as citizens need to take notice of the same. 

§ Only an estimated 30 percent of India’s 1.27 billion people use sanitation facilities. 
§ In rural India, only 20 percent use sanitation facilities. 
§ Only a percentage of the rural population have basic sanitation facilities in the last 5 years. 
§ Over 70% of the Indian population defecates in the open.

It is believed even in the urban areas nearly 43percent of the population has no access to toilets. With the government in every house of the parliament submits reports of spending over hundred crores of the public money on water and sanitation needs, the results are negligible. 

What should come as a basic facility to all Indians is perceived as a luxury. In such a scenario what does a girl like Babli do? Where is the #ToiletForBabli?

Risk her health, her life to defecate in the open? 
Where is the parent who promised her the world, when she was born? 

Thankfully, this situation has been looked into, by our enigmatic Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. His Swatch Bharat Abhyan not only encourages people to ensure cleanliness but emphasises the importance sanitation.

When business houses take up social issues, its laud worthy not only for the benefits it brings to the society and country but also for the unique initiative the brand looks to associate with. Since open defecation is one of the biggest concerns that India faces, there is an increased health risk of microbial contamination of water which causes water diseases; Domex has undertaken an initiative to make villages in Maharashtra and Orissa open-defecation free. 

This wonderful initiative will directly impact children like Babli who have to defecate in the open and are exposed to diarrhoea which impacts their education and sometimes leads to death. It’s a shame that over 28 million children in India do not have access to toilet facilities and less than 6 percent children under the age of 5 years use toilets.

Domex through its initiative is looking to provide a solution to this problem and since the beginning of the initiative have made substantial inroads and created some success stories. 

With the PM doing his bit, and business houses initiating change, we too can do our bit to change the lives of millions of kids. Show your support for the Domex Initiative, ‘Click’ on the ‘Contribute Tab’ on www.domex.in and Domex will contribute Rs.5 on your behalf to eradicate open defecation; helping Babli live a dignified life. 

Do your bit,
~ Heena

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